Download League of Legends Hack - Summoner Spells Without Cooldown - Working as of November, 2012

Recently, people have gone "Nuts" on How to Hack or Cheat in League of Legends, whether by searching up in Google, such as: League of Legends Hack 2012, or let's just simply say it: LoL Working Hack 2012. After that, that person that searched the following, will find a bunch of fake files or let's just say, a bunch of fake sites. Well, do NOT be afraid on this site that you are just reading right now! I will NOT try to scam you like the others that just did to you! Meet the Dr. Terrible, the ultimate hacker. I will show you the following hack, called: No Cooldown Summoner Spells! You heard it right, you can cast flash without any Cooldown! Not a Second! Also cast lots of Ignites on enemies! Or even go to enemy fountain and just spam Heal!

You don't believe me? Just check out the video below, which shows a good amount of proof and evidence on this video, made by me, doing this hack for fun:

 Convinced? Good, now let's go forward. First of all, you have to know a few facts about me. Firstly, I discovered how to make this League of Legends Hack. Second of all, my name in League of Legends is Dr Terrible, and yes, I am a famous person on Youtube for this hack, everyone knows about my hack, which they called it a 100% Cooldown on Summoner Spells (Search it on Youtube, if you don't believe me). Several people tried to get this hack working, but simply failed. Third thing and the final one, is that most of the people who think that this No Cooldown Summoner Spell has already been patched by Riot, are totally wrong. I have 3 other methods of this particular hack. I will give you all of my LoL Hacking Methods to you, available for download. All of them will be spread out for free. You will be among the first ones to download this, and to increase your Elo Rating in LoL because you managed to come on this site. Some people even think that this got patched! Let me tell you: ALL of my hacks still work very well.

You might ask this: "People will report me, if I spam out my Summoner Spells!" - Do not worry, Riot has never banned anyone permanently, not even me. Maximum days I have ever been banned by Riot, is only a week. They don't like to ban their community because they think that they might get hated by lots of others. Also, the second thing is, even if people will report you, Riot will NOT have any evidence because they think that they already patched this hack, when in fact, not. You know, they think that they fixed all of the stuff... well, those people that know coding, can easily hack again, anytime. I am one of them, and yes, I know that I am not alone doing those kind of stuff.

So what are you waiting for? Download the hack below! Just one more step, and you will rule the League of Legends!

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